Tuesday, 3 December 2013

DECEMBER: Bring out the Poinsettias!

Poinsettia (illustrated by Dominique Liongson)

Poinsettia… what an interesting plant!  The popular classic one I've seen turns red during the Winter climate.  I searched the Internet for a lovely legend about how poinsettias are linked to Christmas.  I found one which came with more trivia about the poinsettia.

The article (about poinsettias) can answer some of these questions:

1) Where are poinsettia plants native to?

2) If the "flowers" are actually leaves, what special type of leaf is it?

3) What product can you get from the poinsettia's flowerlike leaves in relation to clothes and cosmetics?

4) What product can you get from the poinsettia's milky white sap?

5) Who made the poinsettia widely known?

6) Who was the first person who sold poinsettias under their latin name?

7) What is the latin name of the poinsettia?

8) What does this latin name literally mean in english?

9) Which country has the poinsettia as the national emblem?

No need to google for answers.  Just click this link and read: http://www.whychristmas.com/customs/poinsettia.shtml

Did you get them a 100% correct?  Fantastic!  Fun to learn something new each day, huh? 

I hope you also enjoyed reading the legend of the poinsettia from the same article, too.

Happy Ho-ho-holidays!

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Let us rise up and be thankful; for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us all be thankful."