Wednesday, 1 July 2015

The Letter C

Image courtesy of gubgib /

This feature is all about C.  You'll C what I mean. ;-)

If unable to answer a question, you are encouraged to click the link of the article and search for answers there.


1) Letters C and G evolved from the same Phoenician letter. What did the Phoenicians call this letter?

2)This same Phoenician letter was named after which animal?

3)Where did the design of the curvy letter C come from?

4)Who formed the letter G to differ from the letter C?

5) True or False: Letter C is the first letter in our alphabet that share the same design for both capital and lowercase.

Clueless? Perhaps this link will help.

Clever C!

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
“Silencing the brain's ramblings gives the chance for wonderful thoughts to bloom.” 
-- Steven Redhead, The Solution