Sunday, 1 November 2015

The Letter G

Image courtesy of gubgib /

This feature is all about G.  G-nius! ;-)

If unable to answer a question, you are encouraged to click the link of the article and search for answers there.


1) When did the letter G make its official debut?

2) The Phoenicians and the Semitic people used a graphic form that looked roughly like a ___ to represent the G sound (as in "go").

3) The Phonicians call this letter a gimmel which means "___".

4) What name did the Greeks give to the Phoenician letter gimmel?

5) Which two cultures adopted the same Greek letter?

6) Which reformed alphabet formally introduced our modern letter G?

7) Why was the letter G created?

8) The letter G became the 7th letter of our alphabet and replaced the letter ___.

9) From question #8, where was this former 7th letter moved in the alphabet?  Why?

Clueless? Perhaps this link will help.

G-nius G!

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
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-- Steven Redhead, The Solution