Monday, 1 August 2016

The Letter Q

Images courtesy of gubgib /

This feature is all about Q. I saw pelicans Q for their food! ;-)

If unable to answer a question, you are encouraged to click the link of the article and search for answers there.


1) The Phoenician called their letter Q "ooph".  What does ooph also mean in Phoenician?

2) Why did the Greeks change the name of the letter ooph into "koppa"?

3) Before the Etruscans adopted the koppa, how many k-sound letters did they have?

4) Which culture adopted all the k-sound letters of the Etruscans?

5) Is the tail of the first Roman letter Q vertical or a graceful curve?

Clueless? Perhaps this link will help

Mind your P's and Q's. ;-)

:-( -> :-| -> :-)

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--Tom Peters