Saturday, 1 April 2017

The Letter Y

Images courtesy of gubgib /

This feature is all about Y. But Y is that? ;-)

If unable to answer a question, you are encouraged to click the link of the article and search for answers there.


1) The letter Y also started from an Egyptian hieroglyph that depicted the Egyptian Cerastes. What is a Cerastes?

2) The Cerastes developed further into a character "waw". From what culture is the waw from?

3) Sometime between 900 B.C. - 800 B.C., the Greeks adopted the waw. Did it become a basis of one letter or two letters of the Greek alphabet? What is/are the Greek letter(s)?

4) In the first century B.C., which civilization added the Greek Y to its alphabet?

5)Which alphabet adopted the Greek Y?

Clueless? Perhaps this link will help.

And Y not? ;-)

:-( -> :-| -> :-)

"Y's-hood (wisehood ;-) is what Red wore instead because it helped her to be smart enough to figure out that it is foolish to wear a riding-hood while she's horseless in the woods."