Saturday, 1 July 2017

MONDAY trivia

I found a website about Top 10 Facts About Monday. Perhaps some questions below might tickle your fancy to read it.

If unable to answer a question, you are encouraged to click the link of the article and search for answers there.

1) What is it that Monday is the only day of the week that is most likely to fall than to rise?

2) Monday is the only day of the week that has a single word anagram which is what word?

3) What inspired Bob Geldof to write the song "I Don’t Like Mondays"? 

Clueless? Perhaps this link will help.

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Y's-hood (wisehood ;-) is what Red wore instead because it helped her to be smart enough to figure out that it is foolish to wear a riding-hood while she's horseless in the woods."