Welcome to my monthly blog. This year, let’s encourage a humorous romantic relationship. This is how to be a Funny Valentine couple all year round. Each month has one cheesy pun for an American-English speaker to share with a Tagalog-English speaking partner. Let’s begin with month 5 of 12…
JUNE 2019: Asin-full Summer
How bad can the summer be? Check this out:
Q: Why is it wrong to lie while bathing in the salty sea?
A: Because it’s a-sin to tell a lie
A: Because it’s a-sin to tell a lie
(“a sin” sounds like “asin” which means “salt”)
We’ve heard of a sinful summer. Ever heard of asin-full summer? This is where naughty kids of all ages are told to kneel on rock salt for telling one lie or more. My, what a painful memory to endure…
Filipino partners who know the Tagalog dialect plus English would be smiling upon hearing that pun. But do they know puns from the English language?
These partners may find Pun-tastic Ways for Brighter Days helpful. If they don’t get the play of words, you may enlighten them. Then you may have eye-rolls, smiles, giggles, and laughter along the way.
Let Pun-tastic Ways for Brighter Days help you keep cool this Northern Hemisphere summer. Be refreshed with the cheer it brings. Get a copy now!
NOTE: The puns written once a month within 2019 are NOT included in the PUN-TASTIC WAYS FOR BRIGHTER DAYS book. These puns were made especially to display the writer’s witty talent. The objective is to entertain readers and to promote this book.